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Ditto is a NoSQL database, that can store JSON-like Documents organized by Collections. However, unlike JSON, Ditto allows you to apply updates to the document which will be synchronized with any other copy on other devices. In addition, it supports additional data types.


You can think of a collection as a table in a traditional database. However, unlike traditional SQL databases, Ditto's collections are far simpler and more flexible. A collection is merely referenced by its string value, there is no need to "create" a collection. Collections are only referenced once there is at least one document that is related to a collection name.

While it is typically common for all documents in a collection to have the same structure, it is not a technical requirement. For example, all documents referencing cars can go in the "cars" collection and boat documents in the "boats" collection. You can create any number of collections that best represent your data model.

To get a reference to a collection:

let carsCollection =["cars"]// orlet carsCollection ="cars")


A Ditto document is a schema flexible unit of data in Ditto. If collections are similar to tables, then a document is similar to a row. A document, at its highest level, is a map that can contain arbitrarily nested keys and values. Each document has a primary key, often referred to as an id.

Primary Key _id

Each document must have a unique identifier called the _id. This is the primary key of the document and is not optional. As an example, let's create a document in the people collection.

do {    // upsert JSON-compatible data into Ditto    let docID = try["people"].upsert([        "name": "Susan",        "age": 31    ])} catch {    //handle error    print(error)}

The _id parameter is optional when you create a document. If you do not supply a document _id, Ditto will automatically generate a random, unique string and use that as the document's _id.


Supplying the identifier for a document

You can also supply your own unique identifier when creating a document. You do this by passing _id as a parameter to the upsert function:

do {    // upsert JSON-compatible data into Ditto    let docID = try["people"].upsert([        "_id": "abc123",        "name": "Susan",        "age": 31    ])    XCTAssertEqual(docID, "abc123")} catch {    //handle error    print(error)}

Composite identifiers

Ditto's _id field can be a string or a map of values. For example, we may have a person document with a unique identifier with two parts:

  • a string userId; and
  • an integer workId.

We can insert each document as a composite key as a nested map structure under the _id field like so.

do {    let docID = try["people"].upsert([        "_id": [ "userId": "456abc", "workId": 789 ] as [String : Any],        "name": "Susan",        "age": 31    ])    print(docID) // "[ "userId": "456abc", "workId": 789 ]"} catch {    //handle error    print(error)}

Note: _ids with the same key and values will be equal regardless of their defined order. Thus, {a: "foo", b: 1} == { b: 1, a: "foo" }. This is because Ditto maps check for equality of key and value combinations and do not consider for literal order.

New and Improved Docs

Ditto has a new documentation site at This legacy site is preserved for historical reference, but its content is not guaranteed to be up to date or accurate.