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Counter is a very special type that is specific to CRDTs. While they look like the number type, they are geared towards building applications where various different devices need to increment or decrement at the same time while preserving consistency. The most common use cases are inventory or voting applications.

Counters can be changed through a special method called increment which takes a number to increment the counter by. If you wish to decrement the counter then you can supply a negative number.

To create a counter, first insert a document with Counter. Once the value in the document is a counter, you can proceed to increment or decrement the value. This will preserve an accurate value whenever devices sync.

do {    let docId = try["people"].upsert([        "name": "Frank",        "ownedCars": DittoCounter() // here 0 is a number    ])["people"].findByID(docId).update({ mutableDoc in        mutableDoc?["ownedCars"].counter?.increment(by: 1)    })} catch {    //handle error    print(error)}

When do I use a counter?

Let's look through a typical example for a counter: four flight attendants walk through an airlane and record passenger meal orders. For each seat, they count the number of cans ordered.

First, the flight attendant selects the flight they are on. They then see an interface with each seat in a list view. This might be retrieved by an external API, or it could be internal to the app based on some known information about each plane type.

In a production application, each seat would have a few values that the attendant can modify, but we will just focus on name and orderedCount in this example. As each flight attendant is walking through the airplane, their devices synchronize together to make sure that each customer only received one meal.

If we used a register here the value would alternate between the latest updated value. Instead, a counter merges by taking the sum of each attendant's value. If attendant A has sold 100, attendent B has sold 33, and attendant C has sold 98, the value of the counter is 100 + 33 + 98 = 231.

Counters can be decremented too. A word of warning, there is nothing to stop a counter from going negative. If the count is 1 and two attendants decrement the count by 1 concurrently, the result is -1.

Code example

In this example, we will:

  • Use upsert to ensure the document exists before interacting with it.
  • Use update to increment the counter.

First, when the app loads we call populateSeats(), and then we renderSeatList().

We want the flight attendants to be able to count orders, even if the app is opened while offline. To ensure this, we locally populate all the known flights with default data. This means the flight attendant can start collecting information from scratch even while offline and if they have no connections to other devices.

When we call DittoCounter(), the counter orderedCount is initialized to 0. totalAvailable is a Register value that doesn't change unless we update it later.

Then, we render the seat list. We increment the counter when a user clicks the Plus button:

do {    let docID = try["people"].upsert([        "name": "Frank",        "age": 31,        "ownedCars": DittoCounter()    ])["people"].findByID(docID).update { mutableDoc in        mutableDoc?["age"] = 32        mutableDoc?["ownedCars"].counter?.increment(by: 1)    }} catch {    //handle error    print(error)}

We can also show when we've run out of the item when orderedCount is greater than or equal to totalAvailable.

Do not use upsert to increment a counter

If we need to upsert the document at a later date, we do not include the counter field. This follows our rule that the counter field should only be modified within an update clause.

do {    // upsert JSON-compatible data into Ditto    let docID = try["people"].upsert([        "name": "Susan",        "age": 31    ])} catch {    //handle error    print(error)}

Resetting counter values

After using a counter, you may want to reset that counter back to 0. But this is difficult because counters have no knowledge of time. A counter "remembers" all previous increment and decrement calls. This is true even if you change the type of a counter to another field, such as number, and then back into a counter again.

We recommend that you try to avoid resetting counters. Instead, try to make new documents or collections that have meaning and encapsulate a period of time.

If you still think that you need to reset a counter field to 0, you can attempt this by removing the counter from the document first. If another device increments the counter at the same time that another device removes the counter, you may encounter unexpected behavior. Proceed with caution.

How it works

Read more about how Ditto's CRDT works.

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