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1 - Setup

1-1 Create Node.js Project

Install Node.js LTS. Ditto does not support the "Current" release.

❯ mkdir ditto-example❯ cd ditto-example❯ npm init

Optional: Configure typescript

❯ npm i -g typescript
added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 2s
found 0 vulnerabilities
❯ tsc --init
Created a new tsconfig.json ...

1-2 Install Ditto

See the installation page for more information about platform compatibility.

npm i @dittolive/ditto

1-3 Initialize Ditto

Ditto is implemented using Rust and is bridged to JavaScript over WASM. That means that you must initialize ditto first using init() as part of an async context.

Create an index.ts file:

import { init, Ditto } from '@dittolive/ditto'
async function main () {  // Initialize the Ditto module  await init()}

Then, you can create a new Ditto instance. The ditto instance must stay in scope for the duration of the program, otherwise it will be garbage collected. To prevent garbage collection, make sure ditto is a global variable:

import { init, Ditto, Identity } from '@dittolive/ditto'
let ditto
async function main () {  await init()
  // Create a Ditto' context:  ditto = new Ditto({ type: 'onlinePlayground', appID: 'YOUR_APP_ID', token: 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE'})

Now you're ready to sync data!

1-4 Run the program

If you're using typescript, you must create the JavaScript file by running the following command:


Then, you can execute the file:

node index.js
New and Improved Docs

Ditto has a new documentation site at This legacy site is preserved for historical reference, but its content is not guaranteed to be up to date or accurate.